
APRIL 10th Saturday night Kickoff

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Building Relationships is Effective Youth Ministry

Quality youth ministry is built on the foundation of meaningful relationships. Beyaond all the hype and flashy programs, it's the relationships with kids that measure an outstanding youth group.
Your relationship with kids will last years longer than the faint memory of your best message. Messages are important, but relationships impact kids more than speeches do. I really wish kids remembered my messages... but they don't. They remember the time we spent together.
Junior Highers need strong relationships with adults. Though few admit it, they desire significant relationships with older people. When kids feel the love you have for them, they will understand your spoken messages about God's love much better.
Build relationships the will continue beyond jr. High. It is exciting to watch kids grow and develop, understanding that part of their maturity came from a relationship that a classroom couldn't offer.

-From Doug Field's "Help! I'm a volunteer youth worker!"

LEADERS: This is the true heart of the effectiveness of our ministry. We need to have the #1 goal of building relationships with students because until we do that our ultimate goal of helping them grow, know and share Christ will be significantly less effective. I challenge you to call up the people in your small group just to see how their day was. It might be totally awkward (especially for the guys), but it will make their day. Ask yourself, in every interaction with the students, "How can I use this opportunity to grow in my relationship with this/these students?"