
APRIL 10th Saturday night Kickoff

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Compliments may be few and far between

From the Book: Help! I'm a volunteer youth worker!! -Doug Fields

You've just returned home from a weekend retreat. You settle onto the couch and give thanks for the weekend's success. You're grateful your boss gave you the time off work. You're thankful God used your new truck to transport kids. Not getting reimbursed for the gas doesn't even matter to you.

Your thoughts turn to the kids in your cabin. You really love them even though they disappeared in the middle of the night to raid the kitchen. You think of Johnny, who had a life-changing experience due in part to your late night conversation, constant attention and unending love. You begin to pray for him, but the phone rings, interrupting your prayer.

It's Johnny's mom. You initially think she called to thank you for her son's wonderful weekend. WRONG. Within seconds you learn she called to ask why Johnny didn't return home with all of him underwear. She also questions your wisdom in allowing the boys to kill cockroaches with Johnny's aerosol deodorant. Does this sound familiar?

I'm sure you've already discovered the infrequency of praise for your tireless service. To enjoy long-term youth ministry your validation must come from confidence that GOd is using you to impact the lives of young people, not from the praise of others.

LEADERS: I encourage you to spend time with GOD on a dialy basis, whether that be 10 minutes or 2 hours. Be in the word, pray, and find your confidence in the calling God has given you.

Know too, that I truly appreciate the work you are doing. The impact you are making on the students lives are significant and each one of you is gifted in an awesome way to help bring these kids closer to God. THANK YOU!!!!!

1 comment:

strong said...

'See you at the pole'
Tomorrow at 7 am ,9-24-08
check out the web site
meet at the flagpole of a school or one of your kids school and pray
Startyed in 1990 in Texas
ayearly event that draws approx 3 million kids a year to the flagpoles to pray