
APRIL 10th Saturday night Kickoff

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello, Pastor

Let's delete the words, "I'm just a volunteer" from our vocaublary. If you are caring for kids, you are fulfilling a pastoral responsibility. I realize your denomination or church may not call you a pastor (and that's probably good), but you are not just a volunteer. You are a pastor to kids and should begin thinking like one. You may not have the title, but you fulfill the role.

Pastors oversee and attend to the needs of there people. You may not ever teach a Bible Study, lead games, or design a promotional flyer, but I encourage you to pastor at least 1 kid. That one Jr. Higher will attend yout group knowing someone loves him/her. When he is sick visit her. WHen she has an important test, pray for her. Care for her as if she were the only kid in your goroup. You can become the hands and feet of Jesus to them.

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